Another Day, Another Circuit

Hello and Happy Mother’s Day!

I’ve been out of town visiting my mother-in-law. Matt and I brought Benson, of course, and took this awkward family photo:

Awkward Family Photo

Awkward Family Photo


A little better


The hubs and I took his mom and my father-in-law out for dinner and spent the evening chatting about his recent trip to Peru. His photos were amazing and it definitely got my mind into vacation-planning mode!

But first, a workout!
My lower-body circuit from earlier in the week was so quick and convenient I figured I’d throw together another for the ‘ole upper bod. It’s funny, I go through waves with my workouts when there are weeks that I’m all about full-body or upper/lower split circuits and other weeks where I’m committed to more traditional weight training and cardio combos. I guess that’s what keeps fitness so fun!

This upper-body circuit included some great core components, too.

Similar to Tuesday’s lower-body circuit, I set my Gymboss timer to four 40/10 intervals and completed eight different workouts.



Some of these workouts are a mouthful, so here are some helpful videos that show proper form and execution:

Shoulder combo

Bosu-Ball Burpees

Bosu-Ball Bicep Curl

Balance-ball Chest Press

Bosu-Ball Bent-Over Row

Please let me know if you’d like any other videos or tutorials for these exercises.

You’ll notice that I use a lot of balance techniques in my workouts. I find this increases the challenge by forcing you to engage your core and work the smaller stabilizing muscles. Strengthening in those areas will only increase your efficiency and strength as you progress in your fitness. It also prevents you from overcompensating with the main muscle movers, which can create muscle imbalances, improper movement patterns, and eventually lead to injury. That’s enough reason for me to balance on one leg 🙂

Welp, the sun is out and I’m starting to feel like spring is actually here. I’m off to the flower shop to start my plants 🙂



Have a great day!
